Friday, June 26, 2009

No villain is worse than a traitor who betrays his country.

تصویر یکی از اغتشاش گران، لطفاً شناسایی کنید!!

یه آهنگی T.I با Justin timberlake خونده که اسمش dead and gone که این روزها به عنوان یکی از آهنگ های برتر مطرحه. قسمت آخر این شعر میگه :

I turn my head to the east
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the west
still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the north,
swallow that pill
that they call pride
The old me is dead and gone,
the new me will be alright

که دقیقاً داره این دولتو توصیف می کنه : سرم را به شرق چرخوندم ، کسی را در کنارم ندیم، سرم را به غرب چرخوندم ، هنوزم کسی دیده نمیشه . پس سرم را رو به شمال کردم و قرصی که بقیه می گفتند غرور هستشو قورت دادم . حالا من ِ قدیمی مرده و رفته و من ِ جدید حاضره . البته با این تفاوت که این دولت قصد نداره خودشو تغییر بده ، در نتیجه من های جامعه قصد این تغییر را دارند. وامیدوارم هر چه زودتر این تغییرات را در جامعه ببینیم.


PersonalFailure said...

I saw your comment on Paolo Coelho's blog.

You have my sympathies and support as well.

If you have the time, do you think you could write a short piece for my blog? (Unfortunately, I can't read Farsi, so I don't know what your blog says.) I would love to hear what you have to say about Iran and what's been going on there, and my readers would, too.

Good luck to you,

Faith (I blog as Personal Failure.)

PersonalFailure said...

It's good to know you are well. I will cross my fingers for you. Please stop by whenever you want and let us know what's going on.

PersonalFailure said...

Today is our Independence Day. I am spending today hoping Iranians get their own independence day soon. My fingers are still crossed, and we have not forgotten you. I hope you are well.

Infidel753 said...

Many people here in America are thinking about Iran today. The courage and determination of the people are stunning. They will win in the end.

Mostaqbal behtar khâhad bûd.